Friday, November 23, 2007

Week 7 - Wiki

I learned that Wiki are sites with information about a particular topic which are open to editing
or additions by anyone. At first I thought what good would that be, you wouldn't know if the information was correct, but once I visited the links provided I see that it is more than just an

The booklovers site was full of lists of books in all different categories. You could browse by title, author or genre. I like the most requested guide. It had books I had read and a long list of books I haven't read; many that piped my interest.

The library wiki's we were linked to were very interesting also. I particularly liked the Bull Run Library with it's first page filled with scheduled events and the latest library news.

I can now see how this would be very beneficial to a group or business. With the web being so large and vast quantities of information needing to be posted, this opens the "job" of maintaining a web site over to many people and not just a few. Updating events, agendas, travel information, etc. would become an extremely valuable tool for business.

Now to find a Wiki I can't live without.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Image Generator

I don't know what I did, but while loading a different image this one came up. This is the first image I did.


Ok. So I went to the image generator, created a nice image, captured the HTML clicked the load image and it won't load. I keep getting an error message. I just don't get it. I thought this was suppose to be easy.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Delicious and Library Thing

I did some cruising around the delicious site and wondered why I would want yet another list of places to visit on the web. I wasn't really understanding the true purpose of this until Sally pointed out that Delicious is like having a portable favorites list. Now that makes more sense.

Now Library Thing is truly a remarkable site. I've been keeping track of the books I've read on a spread sheet on one computer. My sister-in-law in Minnesota and I swap titles of good books we've read. She lives in a small town with a very small but quaint library and has difficulty getting good recommendations. This is perfect for her and for me. Now to get all my books on Library Thing. uf dah!

Falling behind

I'm still a week behind. I created an account for bloglines, adding and trashing some of the topics I picked. So far I think I still like going to my favorite web sites and picking what I want to read. Maybe with more refinement I will like it better.

I added more pictures to my flickr account and have sent pictures to family and friends. This is a service I like and will continue to use.

I just started looking at this week's activities. I'm feeling overwhelmed and really admire those of you who are able to keep up. You must spend a lot of time doing these activities or you are already familiar with them.

Maybe I'm slow because I'm middle aged!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Friday, November 2, 2007


I was on vacation last week, so I'm a little behind. This week I opened an account on bloglines and added some RSS. I took some of the sites recommendations and I went to my "news" sites and added their RSS. I haven't had a lot of time to look at the feeds, but I can see how this would save time vs looking at each website.

So much to learn and so little time.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Good morning,

I went to and created my own person. Now to figure out how to place it (her) on my blog. If anyone can help me, please do. I work best with some pointing out the direction.

How was everyone's weekend? I had hoped to work on the flickr site during the weekend, but ended up spending most of my time outside. It was just so nice out! We did more work on our barn so it is almost ready for winter and had a nice Sunday afternoon with friends.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Week 3.5 - Picture

Well, I did it. I got a picture on my blog site. I set up a Flickr account and did upload a picture to it, but I didn't figure out how to get that picture to my blog site. This picture of my horse, Viking, was on my computer.

It's baby steps for me.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Ok, so today I had a chance to look at the Flickr sight and learned a number of things. Flickr is an online photo management and sharing tool and it looks really cool. You can do a lot of things with it like "tag" your photo with a name, like a picture of a horse would be tagged "horse" and then it would be found with other photos of horses. You can also establish or join a "group" of people who have a common interest such as "horses". If you set up your own group you can set the privacy level to allow people to view your photos. This group can also have a discussion board.

One of the things I found exciting besides sharing my photos with family who live across the country is that I can also make things lik calendars, moo cards and postage stamps with my photos. I'd like to make a post card of our new house to send as a notice to family and friends that we have moved. I can even map my house if I want too but that might be too much information on the net. I hope to get on board with this this weekend.

So much to do and learn. Wish me luck in learning how.

Until nest time.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Week 3?

Oh my gosh. I feel behind already. I just did some work on my profile and that was part of last week's assignment. I got the photo part and felt over whelmed. I don't even know how to download my pictures from the camera to the computer. I'd better get busy. Say how did some of your get the character picture on your profile. Did I miss that too, or are you just ahead of the game?

Later you bloggers you.

Monday, October 1, 2007

New user

This is my first blog. How exciting. Will anyone respond?